100 Books In a Year Reading Challenge 2011
For January reading period, I manage to read two books which are : Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger and To Kill A Mockingbird by legendary writer, Harper Lee. Both story are great. It is a good read though ! I recommend you all to read these book.
Her Fearful Symmetry is set in London and what better place for a ghost story than right next door to Highgate Cemetery? As the story opens, a woman dies and has left she her London flat to the twin daughters of her own estranged twin sister. There are many dark secrets lurking here and there and many mysteries that go unexplained.
Her Fearful Symmetry juggles many balls, and the characters must deal with multiple changes in their lives. I found that I liked most of the characters, with exception of the ghost aunt. Even as she lay dying in the opening scene, she was a nasty bit of business. There is one big shock that really caught me by surprise, and one big shock that I was able to see a couple of miles off. I liked them both. The ending is a bit flat & less dramatic, not what I expected from the writer but overall the storyline is great.
Highly recommend this book, even though the language is hard & too literate.
Cited from : Ezine.
I would definitely recommend people to read the book To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I found it to be an interesting and powerful book. I feel the book does a great job in portraying the extreme prejudice that existed in the south at that time. I feel this book makes a powerful statement on how justice can be altered through racism. I also think that the themes found in the book are themes which can still be found in our current society and that makes it the more interesting. You can even make a case that prejudice still has an effect in our legal system today. So if you are looking for a powerful book of "coming of age" and the battle for justice I would highly recommend To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
Happy. Reading . All
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